
Managing Business and Charities Together After Divorce

Managing Business and Charities Together After Divorce

Bill and Melinda Gates’s divorce announcement was headline news with much attention about how they would divide their fortune. The couple has not disclosed the details of the asset division, but it is reported that Melinda French Gates could receive more than $62 billion. In addition to...

Cryptocurrency and Your Divorce

Cryptocurrency and Your Divorce

Cryptocurrency is a new type of currency. It is a digital asset that is bought, sold, and traded on specific online platforms. The value of cryptocurrency fluctuates and has an exchange rate just like other currencies. There are thousands of types of cryptocurrency, but the most popular and...

8 Planning Considerations in a New York Divorce

8 Planning Considerations in a New York Divorce

A high-stakes divorce is a complex proceeding. Due to the large number of assets involved at the end of the marriage, there are significant considerations you should take into account when planning for your divorce.
1. Understand Which Assets Are Subject to Division When you divorce, only...

Divorce and Debt

Divorce and Debt

When a couple divorces in New York, the court divides all of their marital assets as part of the property distribution. The court also divides marital debt. Some couples divorce with a significant amount of debt included in the divorce. The amount of debt assigned to you in the divorce...

How to Modify Child Custody in New York

How to Modify Child Custody in New York

Custody orders are not meant to remain in place forever with no changes. Courts recognize that your life may change and that, almost certainly, your child’s needs will change as they age. A parenting plan that works for a two-year-old will definitely not work for a 16-year-old. Because of...

Talking to Your Child About Divorce

Talking to Your Child About Divorce

One of the hardest parts of divorce is breaking the news to your children and helping them through the transitions that lie ahead. At a time when you are not certain how you personally are going to survive the divorce process, it can be challenging to support your child.
When to Talk to Your...

Estate Documents After Divorce

Estate Documents After Divorce

While some may wait until after their divorce is final, there are some steps that should be in play before to protect yourself and your family even if they can’t be formalized until a later date. It is important to re-evaluation of your wills, trusts, health care proxies, and powers of...

Does How You Spend Money During Marriage Impact Your Divorce?

Does How You Spend Money During Marriage Impact Your Divorce?

Author Dan Brown’s wife thinks it does. Brown is the author of many popular novels, including The Da Vinci Code, which was also made into a Tom Hanks movie. Brown has earned millions from his successful books. He married his wife Blythe Brown in 1997 before he became successful (The Da Vinci...

Modifying Alimony After Divorce in New York

Modifying Alimony After Divorce in New York

If your divorce case included spousal support (sometimes called spousal maintenance or alimony), you might wonder if there will ever be an opportunity to change or modify the support order or if you can ever end the maintenance payments before the originally ordered completion date. New York state...