
9 Top Marriage and Family Therapists in Westchester County

9 Top Marriage and Family Therapists in Westchester County

If your marriage has reached a breaking point, you may think divorce is your best option. Instead of walking away from your marriage, you may be able to save it by working with a marriage and family therapist in Westchester County. You’ve put a lot of time and effort into your marriage. It is...

Divorce and Philanthropy

Divorce and Philanthropy

The Gates divorce and the impact on The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have highlighted the fact that when a high visibility couple divorces, it is not only their personal finances that are potentially impacted. Most wealthy couples are involved in charitable giving, serve on boards, or are very...

Why You Might Need a Divorce Coach

Why You Might Need a Divorce Coach

Your divorce attorney is a highly skilled professional who will guide you through the legal options and procedures involved in your divorce. Much of what your attorney handles is complex, applying intricate legal statutes and precedents to the ever-evolving facts of the case. Attorneys are skilled...

Divorcing a Spouse Charged with a Crime

Divorcing a Spouse Charged with a Crime

Huma Abedin’s new book, Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds, was recently released. One of the topics in the book is Abedin’s divorce from high profile former Congressman and former New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, who pled guilty to sexting an underage girl (the actual...

Service of Divorce Papers Need Not Be a Surprise

Service of Divorce Papers Need Not Be a Surprise

A recent news report alleges that when Dr. Dre’s (also known as Andre Young) wife, Nicole Young, recently filed new documents in their divorce, Dr. Dre was served while at the cemetery burying his grandmother.
Dre and his wife filed for divorce in 2020. His wife is now suing him for...

International Divorce: What You Need To Know

International Divorce: What You Need To Know

If you or your spouse is not an American citizen and/or you were married in another country or live in another country, you may wonder what your options are when it comes to divorce. Must you divorce where you are living? Can you get a divorce in the U.S? These are important issues, and an attorney...

8 Things You Need to Know About Judges for Your Divorce Case

8 Things You Need to Know About Judges for Your Divorce Case

The judge is the person who will be making all the decisions in your litigated divorce case, so of course, you realize they hold a great deal of significance in your case and your life. However, there are probably quite a few things you might not be aware of that impact how judges view the cases...

10 Drawbacks of Alternative Dispute Resolution Divorce

10 Drawbacks of Alternative Dispute Resolution Divorce

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods such as mediation, collaborative law, and arbitration are extremely popular methods for resolving a divorce. These methods can offer many benefits. They are often less expensive than going to trial, they encourage cooperation, they may be faster than a...

Transmutation and Commingling of Separate Property

Transmutation and Commingling of Separate Property

An important distinction in New York divorce law is the difference between separate property and marital property. Property that is determined to be separate is not divided as part of the divorce. Instead, it remains in the hands of the spouse who has ownership.
Marital property is property...